Thursday 27 September 2012

The Ultimate Chewy Chocolate GLUTEN FREE Brownies (dairy/nut/egg free versions below

OOOH! -the chocolate chewyness! YES!  -the rich and nuttyness, MAN ALIVE! -the buttery fudgeyness,

Whichever of the free from options you choose below what is important here is the chocolate, the sugar and the baking time- Don't overcook these babies or you'll miss out on the gooey glory from paradise that is


100g 70% cocoa solids (or higher) Chocolate (dairy or nut free varieties available from health/wholefood shops).

225g Butter (or dairy free spread)

2tsp Baking Powder

4 Eggs (or 2 extra teaspoons of baking powder plus 2tbsp cornflour)

440g Granulated Sugar

100g  Chestnut flour/gluten free plain flour blend

1/2 tsp Salt

*Optional* Chopped hazlenuts or any nuts you like, or chopped bits of chocolate or chocolate buttons....

Find a large, shallow but not flat  baking tray, (1inch deep is ideal, but a roasting tin will do at a pinch) about 25x30 cm or thereabouts, don't fret- it's not rocket surgery, grease it, line it with greaseproof paper, then grease that, too.
Preheat oven to Gas 4 or 'leccy 350F/180C

Put the chocolate and butter in a basin or bowl and place on top of a saucepan of hot water on a low hob.stir it occasionally til it melts completely. Then add all the other ingredients, give it a bloomin' good mix (I add a bit of ground chilli flakes, but that's just my take on it).
Pour it out into an even layer on your baking tray and bake for 30mins, turning at least once during baking- if it wobbles dramatically when you take it out give it another 10-15min on a lower heat (turn it down a notch or two) 
BUT NB: you don't want this to be completely set and solid- the joy is in the goey messyness!!

 Set, like this, on top........
...Now let it cool in the tray for 10mins before lifting the whole sheet onto a wire rack to cool properly.

Any you don't scoff will keep well in an airtight container for up to 5 days (Yeah, as if it's gonna survive that long without being yummed!)

Sunday 23 September 2012

Gluten &/or Dairy free Grasmere -esque Gingerbread


I first experienced the joy of Grasmere Gingerbread at my friend Emilie's house, it had been brought back from The Lake District by our mutual mate Ant. It is surely the king of all gingerbreads, dense, chewy and fiery, fuel for hungry worker's teabreaks, like The Kendal Mint Cake of the biscuit world. It is a delightful, spicey sweet buttery treat on its own but dunks really well and is super double boss when crumbled onto vanilla ice cream.

400g Gluten Free Shortbread
30g chopped mixed peel
50g crystallised ginger
4tsp ground ginger
1/2tsp baking powder
40g rice flour
40g fine polenta
35g treacle
45g golden syrup
70g butter/dairy-free spread

Preheat the oven to 170ºC/325ºF/gas 3 

Smash up the shortbread and mix with the sugar and 3tsp of ground ginger. better still, whiz it in a blender til it resembles breadcrumbs (I haven't got a blender at the moment so have been using a caqrrier bag and ladle with 'smashing' results. Put 150g of this mixture aside and to the rest, add 2 more teaspoons of ginger, the mixed peel and crystallised ginger, flours and baking powder. Mix it all really throughly, breaking up any lumps and rubbing the ingredients between your palms like making crumble (or just pulse it if you have blender power).

 Get a really big saucepan (it's gonna hold all the ingredients in a bit) and melt the butter (or spread), syrups and treacle on a low heat, stirring constantly now add the mixture and stir it all til really well mixed. Then pour it all onto a greased baking tray (approx 35x20cm)
in an even layer and press it down all over so it is flat and dense and even. 

Bake it for about 20-25 mins.
Take it out of the oven and quickly but evenly sprinkle the reserved shortbread crumbs all over the top and press them down really well with a potato masher, fish slice or spatula. using a shap knife cut into 4cmx6cm slices and leave them in the tray to cool 

VERY IMPORTANT: get a bowl of vanilla ice cream or soya dessert and try some gingerbread with it whilst still warm. Do it now!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Caremelised Onion Tart Tatin (Gluten/ Dairy Free Options)

This gorgeous savoury take on the internationally famous Tart Tatin (named after the French sisters who invented the upside down spiced apple and caramel version) is an inexpensive, simple and deliciously impressive option for any dinner party. Best served straight from the oven but still absolutely wonderful from the fridge for the next couple of days, it can be a great packed lunch/picnic dish, too. The caramelised onions and garlic combine with the heady, sweet acidity of balsamic vinegar to give a gorgeous contrast of flavours whilst the dense crunch of the pastry creates a beguiling juxtaposition of textures. The sweetness of the filling ensures that even veggie-dodging children are enchanted by its vitamin packed, fibre full loveliness.  
My customers love this tart, one even sent me a text message after he got his take away portion home, saying that it '...was the nicest thing I've ever eaten!' high praise indeed, especially given that he was working as a waiter in a French bistro at the time.

Gluten/Dairy Free Shortcrust Pastry with/without Cheese:

200g Rice Flour
100g Softened butter (or dairy-free sunflower spread)
Pinch of fine sea salt
1/2 tsp Xanthan Gum
6-8 tbsp Cold water
50g Finely grated Parmesan or crumbled Goats cheese OR 1tbsp wholegrain mustard.

Beat together the butter/vegan spread with the cheese/mustard until well blended, sift in the flour, salt and xanthan gum and  sprinkle the Water in, a spoon at a time and rub lightly into breadcrumbs (like making crumble), then knead lightly until you have a dense but not too sticky pastry. Roll it into a ball, cover with cling film and pop it in the fridge for at least half an hour. 

Caramelised onion and garlic filling:

5 Cloves Garlic
5-8 Brown Onions
2tbsp Butter/Vegetable oil
1pinch Salt 
2-3 generous pinches Freshly ground Black Pepper
2tbsp Caster Sugar
2tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
1tsp dried mixed herbs

A good frying pan and (if it;s not oven proof) a lightly greased (approx 20cm) oven proof dish or cake tin

Peel 5 cloves of garlic and blanch by pouring boiling water over them in a pan and simmering for 5 minutes. Peel and slice 5-8 medium onions and fry them and the garlic slowly in the butter/oil until they are translucent (about Min). Preheat the oven to Gas 5/190C/ 375F.
Add the balsamic vinegar, sugar, herbs and S&P to the Onions and garlic and stir occasionally (whilst rolling out and re-refrigerating the pastry as below) so that the onions and garlic caramelise and go brown and shiny but don't stick to the pan or burn.

Take the pastry out of the fridge and pat down and roll out (between layers of baking parchment or cling film) until it is just slightly bigger than the pie dish or tin you are planning to use. Slide it onto a plate and return it to the fridge for ten minutes.

Pour the caramelised mixture into a lightly greased 20cm cake tin, pie dish or other oven-proof dish, the shape and size is unimportant so long as you end up with an even layer of onions and garlic which is at least 2cm thick- pat it down with the back of a spoon and place the pastry on top, pat this down gently, too and tuck the edges in all the way around the pan.
Whack it in the oven for 25mins, until the pastry is golden brown. You might need to turn it around during cooking if your oven is as rubbish and uneven as mine.
Remove the tart from the oven and run a knife all the way around the circumference of the pan to un-stick the pastry from the sides, then get a plate, larger than the pie dish and place upside down, on top of the pastry so that when you flip it over (wearing oven gloves, of course) you end up with a plated, upside down tart.

Slice it and serve with salad leave or whatever fresh crunch veg you've got (I reckon that no dressing is needed, the freshness of a crispy clean salad will contrast beautifully with the rich savoury/sweetness of the tart). 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Gluten/Dairy Free Almond Shortbread Recipe

This take on a British tea time favourite is not only gluten &/or dairy free but also satisfies the, entirely justified, craving for a crunchy not too sweet not too dry biscuity loveliness. You are entitled to these pleasures as a human, regardless of your (food based) intolerances. The ground almonds in this shortbread give it a wonderful creamy-ness, without the need for cow-based products, so lactose intolerants and vegans alike can get their rocks off, without fear of abdominal reprisals. These biscuits also form the basis of my delightfully fiery, chewy, dense, dunk-able treacly treats: Gluten-free Grasmere-esque Gingerbread, a recipe for which will follow, soon, very soon...

Gluten free shortbread (with or without ginger and citrus)

225 g (8 oz) Butter / Dairy free Margarine
1tbsp Veg oil
225 g (8 oz) caster sugar
1tsp baking powder
225 g (8 oz) ground almonds
225 g (8 oz) fine/ quick-cook polenta or corn meal

For the ginger & citrus version: 
2tbsp each of crystallised ginger and mixed peel & 1tsp powdered ginger

1. Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F) Gas mk 4

2. Mix all of the dry ingredients in a bowl.

3. Mix in the butter and a tsp of veg oil (add some and almond essence now if you wanna OR 1tsp ground ginger, 2tbsp each of mixed peel and crystallised ginger) until well mixed.

4. Press into a greased tin with clean hands, spread evenly and pat down flat, then cut the dough into oblongs and prick all over with a fork

5. Bake for about 25 minutes 'til golden.

6. Remove from oven and re-cut oblongs along original lines, let it cool down in the tin and then turn it out onto a wire rack.

7. Eat it! (Store in an airtight container).